Benefit-Driven Features

Progressus Project Multi-Company allows for efficient processing of transactions like timesheets and expense reports across entities from one entry point, reducing time and effort in both front-end and back-end operations. The system automatically handles intercompany transactions based on master record ownership, simplifying complex accounting tasks for transactions between entities.

Simplified Financial Oversight

Featuring an all-encompassing Project Ledger feature that streamlines financial management, this tool is crucial for keeping financial records clear and organized, facilitating efficient project management.

Improved Budgeting Accuracy

Enhance the accuracy of your project budgeting with the Budget Management feature that offers customized entries and journals, specifically crafted to address the distinct budgeting requirements of your projects, enhancing financial control.

Efficient Timesheet and Expense Management

Efficiently manage timesheets and expense reports with the Expense Report feature that simplifies these processes.


Enhanced Organizational Efficiency

Enhance your organization and tracking efficiency with the Company Fields feature that integrates company-specific fields into projects and resources. This functionality ensures more effective management and oversight across your entities.

How Progressus Project Multi-Company Works

Our collaboration with Binary Stream and Pryme facilitates the implementation of Project Multicompany. Based on your company’s specific requirements, we will recommend the option that best aligns with your needs.

Binary Stream MEM is a direct extension within Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and enables organizations to gain a complete view of their different entities, streamline inter-company processing, and improve security at every level.

pryme Intercompany, an extension for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, offers a master and project data management solution to streamline and automate intercompany projects.

Discover the Project Multicompany Advantage

Unified Entity Management

Manage multiple entities seamlessly within Dynamics 365 Business Central. Progressus Project Multi-Company ensures a unified and efficient management experience, streamlining your business operations.

Single-Entry Transaction Processing

Simplify the handling of transactions across different entities. With a single-entry point for timesheets, expense reports, and more, you save time and reduce the complexity of operations.

Efficient Front-End and Back-End Operations

Enhance efficiency in both customer-facing and administrative tasks. This integration streamlines your business processes, ensuring they are more user-friendly and operationally efficient.

Streamlined Inter-Company Transactions

Automate the creation of intercompany transactions based on master record ownership, like projects and resources. This functionality simplifies the accounting processes for inter-entity financial activities, enhancing accuracy and efficiency.

“Progressus has made our work more efficient. I love invoice suggestions; it makes the invoicing process go very quickly. Getting in and out of timesheets and expense sheets are easy, as well as entering the time and expenses. The project wizard used in conjunction with the project/task templates is a game changer. What used to take about 30 minutes now takes 5.”

– J.G. Management Systems

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Endless Integration Possibilities Await

Link Progressus seamlessly with your organization’s existing tools, thanks to Business Central’s open API and native integrations.

Project Multi-Company FAQ

Since Progressus is built on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, the Project Multicompany functionality provides a unified platform for managing multiple entities. This integration allows for centralized tracking of all legal entities, automated task processing, enhanced security, and improved workplace productivity. It simplifies financial oversight and timesheet management, making it easier to manage complex inter-company transactions and improve decision-making processes.

Yes, the Project Multicompany functionality significantly improves budgeting accuracy for project-driven organizations. It offers tailored entries and journals, specifically designed to meet the unique budgeting needs of projects. This results in enhanced financial control, allowing organizations to maintain clearer and more organized financial records, aiding in effective project management and budget oversight.

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